University of South Florida

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 1-800-273-TALK

Cluster 3: Communication

Highly Recommended Actions

Identify an assortment of effective public awareness and educational materials that can be used to carry the suicide prevention message into the state agencies and various organizations.

Use federal and national public awareness resources (e.g., SPRC and 1-800-273 TALK) and identify state and local avenues through which to
disseminate them.

Develop a One Stop comprehensive web site.

Identify influential community leaders to advocate for the project and media sources.

Promote all of Florida’s certified suicide prevention help lines.

Other Recommended Actions

Build community receptivity, capacity, and competence to implement evidence-based approaches to suicide prevention.

Systematic collection of suicide data in each Florida community, and compilation and analysis of these data at the state level on an annual basis.

Identify all funding resources and conceptualize how we will spend them.

Put your information into existing Red Ribbon Week material.

Aggressive distribution of the existing suicide prevention strategy.

Develop a suicide prevention pocket card that would include the warning signs, risk factors, three questions to screen for suicide ideation, a what to do list, and a list of suicide prevention numbers.

Push information and resources down to the county veterans service offices.

Determine what link this council has to the childrens cabinet.

Organize a community-awareness media campaign which includes suicide survivors in its development and targets a variety of sub-populations.

Contact corporations and foundations of the state to get money.

Get relevant information to families  proactive not reactive.

All activities should be relevant to the various target groups particularly minorities especially de-stigmatization.

Identify, promote and develop survivor of suicide resources.

These actions were identified as a result of a collaborative effort between the Florida Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention, the Florida Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council, and the Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition representing stakeholders throughout Florida, and in conjunction with FMHI/USF.