University of South Florida

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 1-800-273-TALK

Step 5. Full Operation


Monitor and ensure the continuing operations of initiatives and programs beyond the initial implementation phase.


  • Develop and implement processes to monitor implemented community initiatives and/or programs to ensure they continue to operate as expected, are carried out with proficiency and skill, and are supported and facilitated by managers and administrators. (May be a continuation or expansion of data cullection and reporting put in place during Initial Implementation. For example, a community may ask learners to complete training evaluations for each gatekeeper training. During Full Operation, a community may, at a later time, survey those who received training to determine if the skills they learned continue to be carried out and supported.)
  • Address issues until the initiative or program becomes “accepted practice” and a new operationalization of “treatment as usual” takes its place in the community (e.g., Faggin, 1985).


  • Completed community actions and goals
  • Evaluation methods
  • Data collection and reporting processes
  • Process for acting on findings (e.g., data reports reviewed, discussed, and action plans developed during meetings of a community suicide prevention coalition)


  • Outcome measures
  • Action plans
  • Reduced risk of failure after initial implementation
  • Continued effectiveness of suicide prevention activities, initiatives and programs

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